Indigenous and queer resources for Google and online environments.

Google technologies are discriminatory and surveillant of Indigenous and LGBTQIA++ peoples.

This website aims to provide information on Google’s surveillant practices, resources for digital literacy, and testimonials of methods of online safety for Indigenous and/or queer communities.

Project Findings

Take a minute to explore what was relevant or important to Indigenous and/or queer peoples about how Google Search and Maps represents identity terms, histories, and geographies.

Together change is possible.

Changing data relations is a global movement. This research advocates for Indigenous Data Sovereignty.

Want to learn more?

Browse our resource library to learn tips and ticks to keep yourself and data safe online!

“Indigenous peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures, traditions, histories, and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information.”

— United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Article 15.1)

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